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Name Company Main Contact Email
Aberdeen Paving Ltd. Pham Ngoc Aberdeen Paving Ltd. aberdeenpaving@hfx.eastlink.ca
Alter Biota Inc. Alter Biota Inc. mark.masotti@alterbiota.com
Arrow Construction Products Limited Arrow Construction Products Limited munierc@arrowco.ca
Astec Industries Astec Industries jlindsay@astecindustries.com
Balances Peninsule Inc. Balances Peninsule Inc. balancespeninsule@nb.aibn.com
Bayview Kenworth Bayview Kenworth bhamilton@bayviewgroup.com
Branco Management Inc Branco Management Inc brandon@brancomanagement.com
Canadian Concrete Expo Canadian Concrete Expo stuart@exposition.com
CDWare Technologies Inc. (previously Road King Technologies) CDWare Technologies Inc. mariechristine.cote@cdware.net
Cement Association of Canada Cement Association of Canada aauer@cement.ca
Ciment Quebec Inc. Ciment Quebec Inc. lthouin@cqi.ca
Command Alkon Command Alkon bcody@commandalkon.com
Commissionaires Nova Scotia Commissionaires Nova Scotia aconnors@commissionaires.ns.ca
Conquest Engineering Ltd. Conquest Engineering Ltd. rwhitcomb@conquest-eng.com
Construction Machinery Canada Inc. Construction Machinery Canada Inc. dzimmerman@constructionmachinery.ca
CRH Group Canada Inc. CRH Group Canada Inc. dave.black@ca.crh.com
CRS CRS dave@crspumpparts.com
Eastern Frontier Auctions Eastern Frontier Auctions jadams@easternfrontier.ca
Euclid Admixture Canada Inc. Euclid Admixture Canada Inc. s.peters@euclidcanada.com
Gallant Aggregates Gallant Aggregates fred@basin-gallant.com