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2025 Scholarship is now OPEN 

DEADLINE! May 15th, 2025

In 2024, the board voted to ensure that one of the three ($1 000 each) scholarships will be designated for students furthering their education in the trades. If the association doesn’t receive an application from a student continuing their post secondary education in the trades, that scholarship will go to the next deserving student regardless where they plan to attend.

Please distribute to all eligible employees that they can scan and email the application to the Concrete Atlantic offices to ensure it arrives in time. PLEASE EMAIL to

Application package can be downloaded by clicking here.

We encourage members to distribute the 2025 Scholarship Application to ANY EMPLOYEE who has family members attending post secondary education in the Fall, 2025!

Please call the Concrete Atlantic office if you have any questions about the application. 902 443-4456 ext 2.

Congratulations to our 2024 recipients

Jaelyn Brenton (NL), Jacob MacKenzie (NS) & Luke Murphy (NS)!

JaelynNEW   Jacob Mackenzie Grad PhotoNEW2   IMG 6150
Photo; J Brenton, K. J MacKenzie, and L. Murphy